Located within the Indonesian province of Central Sulawesi, the Lore Lindu region currently represents an area of conflict between the conservation of the rainforest on the one hand and the future-oriented livelihood interests of the local people on the other hand. As one of the indispensable preconditions for a sustainable solution of this problem this volume discloses a facet-rich change of the cultural landscape in this region. Covering a time frame from the pre-colonial phase via the colonial period into the present, the author demonstrates continuities and disruptions as well as the enormous spatial and temporal heterogeneity of the regional developments.

Buku ini memberikan analisis pembangungan pemandangan budaya di daerah Lore Lindu, Sulawesi Tengah, semasa abad ke-20. Penulis menyelidiki berubahan-perubahan di bidang sosial, budaya, demografi, ekonomi, infrastruktur dan politik semasa awal jaman Belanda di daerah tersebut sampai zaman sekarang.

Publication Type: Thesis

Publication Category: University Press

Language: German

ISBN: 978-3-938616-52-9 (Print)

URN: urn:nbn:de:gbv:7-isbn-3-938616-52-0-0