Information on statistical data shown below the DOI on the landing page of a book

Views- and Downloads

The "Views" and "Downloads" figures are only relatively meaningful compared to the views and downloads of other books, as the absolute figures displayed are based on our log files, which contain both human clicks and machine access. We endeavour to filter out the search robots' requests. However, this is not possible in cases where they do not identify themselves. Access by the editorial team and requests by scripts are also not filtered. This means that the data displayed is always higher than the actual number of views and downloads of real users.

The data are only displayed if the respective landing page has been accessed at least 50 times. In this case, they are linked and lead to a detailed presentation of the statistics.

Altmetric Attention Score

Altmetric is an independent service that we have integrated into our websites. The Altmetric statistics show how often the DOI of a book has been mentioned in various sources online. This information is obtained from the following online services, among others:

  1. the online reference manager Mendeley
  2. Social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc.
  3. Wikipedia

The complete list and further information can be found here

The data are only displayed if the respective book has been found at least once in the searched online sources.