Renewable raw materials are becoming increasingly important as an alternative resource base in industrial networks. Consequently, research for methods improving the efficient use of renewable resources in production processes with by-products is crucial. The aim is cascade utilization, thus the multiple utilization of a raw material before its conversion into energy. The International Conference on Resource Efficiency in Interorganizational Networks (ResEff) brings together interdisciplinary researchers developing strategies and solution concepts for efficient resource utilization. It is therefore a platform for scientific exchange both between experts as well as interdisciplinary groups from agricultural and forestry science, mathematical optimization, operations research, marketing, business informatics, production and logistics. The following facets of the challenging topic of resource efficiency in interorganizational networks are covered: Materials, technologies, planning of production and value-added networks for renewable resources as well as governance, coordination and sale of products from renewable resources.
International Conference on Resource Efficiency in Interorganizational Networks ; 1 (Göttingen) : 2013.11.13-14
Publikationstyp: Konferenzband
Sparte: Universitätsdrucke
Sprache: Englisch