These conference proceedings contain the presentations given at the 19th Göttinger Workshop on Family Law, which took place on November 10, 2023. The workshop was held on the occasion of a legislative initiative of the German government coalition, concerning the so-called “Verantwortungsgemeinschaft” (community of responsibility). This reform proposal raised questions about the prerequisites and consequences of such communities, as well as the extent of regulatory necessity. In light of these considerations, the workshop focused on how responsibility and community are practised and should be regulated beyond the concepts of marriage and the nuclear family, e.g. in non-marital cohabitation, step- or queer families or elderly communities and other elective affinities. In addition to the jurisprudential and comparative legal perspectives, the social sciences have also been taken into account.
Dutta, Anatol
Heiderhoff, Bettina
Lies-Benachib, Gudrun
Schwab, Dieter
Veit, Barbara
Walper, Sabine
Publication Type: Anthology
Publication Category: University Press
Language: German
ISBN: 978-3-86395-614-1 (Print)
URN: urn:nbn:de:gbv:7-isbn-978-3-86395-614-1-8
Funder: Bundesministerium der Justiz
1. Die Verantwortungsgemeinschaft (Pages 11-17)
2. Verantwortung und Gemeinschaft aus sozialwissenschaftlicher Perspektive (Pages 19-46)
3. Die Verantwortungsgemeinschaft aus rechtsvergleichender Perspektive (Pages 47-64)
4. Verantwortung und Gemeinschaft in horizontalen Paarbeziehungen, insbesondere in nichtehelichen Lebensgemeinschaften (Pages 65-86)
5. Mehr Elternschaft wagen (Pages 87-107)
6. Verantwortung und Gemeinschaft jenseits von Paarbeziehungen (Pages 109-131)
7. Schlussbetrachtungen (Pages 133-136)