The transnational dimension of National Socialism has so far received little attention in legal history research. This volume is the first to examine transfer processes and interdependencies on a larger scale, especially between jurists in Nazi Germany and Hungary, but also beyond (in relation to Austria, Slovakia and Japan). The thematic scope of the sixteen articles is broad: For example, the expansion of academic cooperations and transnational cultural networks, the arrangement of bilateral legal relations, the deprivation of rights of the Jewish population outside Germany, external perspectives on Nazi law and German efforts to harmonise the law in the European ‘Großraum’ are examined. Moreover, also the adopted perspectives are transnational, as individual topics (for example, the transfer of Nazi law or the influence of the ‘Third Reich’ on German minorities abroad with the help of Nazi ‘Volksgruppenrecht‘) are examined from both a German and a Hungarian perspective. Finally, the volume provides a variety of suggestions for further research in the field of a transnational legal history of National Socialism.
Publication Type: Anthology
Publication Category: University Press
Language: German, English
1. Nationalsozialismus transnational (Pages 5-32)
2. Das völkisch-faschistische Europa (Pages 33-45)
3. Die „Neue Europäische Ordnung“ in der japanischen Rechtsgeschichtsforschung (Pages 47-78)
4. „Zwischenstaatliche Zusammenarbeit der Rechtswahrer“ (Pages 79-185)
5. NS-Rechtstransfer aus ungarischer Perspektive (Pages 187-241)
6. Rechtshilfeverträge im Lichte von Krieg und Expansion (Pages 243-259)
7. Verehrung – Indifferenz – Missbilligung? (Pages 261-303)
8. The New Direction of Public Law (Pages 305-320)
9. Carl Schmitts Reisen nach Ungarn und in das ungarische Rechtsdenken (Pages 321-338)
10. Der Antisemitismus in Zentraleuropa zwischen den Weltkriegen (Pages 339-355)
11. The Anti-Jewish Legislation in Slovakia (Pages 357-385)
12. „Judengesetzgebung“ im deutsch-ungarischen Vergleich (Pages 387-415)
13. Entrechtung der Juden in der ungarischen Strafrechtspraxis (Pages 417-447)
14. Deutsches Volksgruppenrecht in „Donaueuropa“ (Pages 449-503)
15. Das nationalsozialistische Volksgruppenrecht als Herausforderung für die ungarische Minderheitenpolitik (Pages 505-543)
16. Der sog. erste Basch-Prozess 1934 (Pages 545-570)
17. Hungary’s Assimilation Policy in the Fields of Culture and Education during the Horthy Era (Pages 571-610)