What correlations exist between law and religion? To trace this relationship in selected periods and regions (the old East / Ancient, modern Europe, Islamic world) is the goal of this volume. As a specific thematic reference point, the editors have selected those tense relationship that exists between the law as a divine constitution and the law as a human right. The current occasion to address this matter was the perception of a resurgence of traditional religion, especially Islam.
Tagung "Recht und Religion in Europa - zeitgenössische Konflikte und historische Perspektiven" ; (Göttingen) 2008.10.24-26
Publication Type: Conference volume
Publication Category: University Press
Language: German
ISBN: 978-3-940344-62-5 (Print)
URN: urn:nbn:de:gbv:7-isbn-978-3-940344-62-5-9
Funder: Fritz Thyssen Stiftung