Göttinger Schriften zur Internetforschung
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The project Göttinger Forschungsvorhaben »Mediaconomy« was promoted until the end of 2007 by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and focuses on the changes in the world of the media caused by internet technologies. The changes in five different disciplines are being presented: library Science, computer science, law, sociology and business informatics. In its series "Göttinger Schriften zur Internetforschung” the results of the interdisciplinary research of Mediaconomy are being presented. Publishers of this series are Svenja Hagenhoff, Dieter Hogrefe, Elmar Mittler, Matthias Schumann, Gerald Spindler and Volker Wittke (†).
ISSN (Print): 1863-0944
ISSN (Online): 2512-6989