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Intercultural mass communication

dc.contributor.editorSun, Youzhong
dc.descriptionHardcover, 805 S.: 52,00 €
dc.description.tableofcontents<ul><li>Titelei</li><li>Table of Content</li><li>Chapter I: Defining Intercultural Mass Communication</li><ul><li>1 The Rise of Mass Media: Denis McQuail</li><li>2 The Histories of Intercultural, International, and Development Communication: Everett M. Rogers, William B. Hart</li><li>3 Layers of Meaning: An Analysis of Definitions of Culture: Sandra L. Faulkner, John R. Baldwin, Sheryl L. Lindsley, Michael L. Hecht</li></ul><li>Chapter II: Theory of Media and Society in the Global Context </li><ul><li>4 Normative Theory of Media and Society: Denis McQuail</li><li>5 Global Media Philosophies: Whitney R. Mundt</li></ul><li>Chapter III: Critical Cultural Theory </li><ul><li>6 The Culture Industry: Critical Theory and Aesthetics: David Held</li><li>7 Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses (Notes Towards an Investigation): Louis Althusser</li><li>8 Encoding / Decoding: Stuart Hall</li></ul><li>Chapter IV: Feminist Perspective</li><ul><li>9 ‘New’ Themes: Liesbet van Zoonen</li><li>10 A ‘New’ Paradigm?: Liesbet van Zoonen</li></ul><li>Chapter V: Media Logic and the Bias of Communication</li><ul><li>11 Postjournalism Media News: David L. Altheide, Robert P. Snow</li><li>12 How are News Messages Formulated? The Linguistics of Lines and Between the Lines: Jaap van Ginneken </li></ul><li>Chapter VI: Cultivation and the Mediation of Identity</li><ul><li>13 Filmic Folklore and Chinese Cultural Identity: Zhang Juwen</li><li>14 Electronic Communication and Domestic Rituals: Cultural Consumption and the Production of Eruopean Cultural Identities: David Morley</li></ul><li>Chapter VII:Multinational Media Ownership and Control</li><ul><li>15 Global News Agencies: Oliver Boyd-Barrett</li><li>16 Free Trade in Communication: Building a World Business Order: Vincent Mosco</li></ul><li>Chapter VIII: International News Flow</li><ul><li>17 News and Views: Hamid Mowlana</li><li>18 The World of Broadcasting: Broadcasting the World: Hamid Mowlana</li></ul><li>Chapter IX: Transnational Advertising</li><ul><li>19 Transnational Advertising: K. Viswanath, Liren Benjamin Zeng</li><li>20 The Construction of Beauty: A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Women’s Magazine Advertising: Katherine Frith, Ping Shaw, and Hong Cheng</li></ul><li>Chapter X: The Global and the Local</li><ul><li>21 The Global and the Local in International Communications: Annabelle Sreberny</li><li>22 Globalization as Hybridization: Jan Nederveen Pieterse</li></ul><li>Chapter XI: Cultural Imperialism and Beyond (I)</li><ul><li>23 What Effects Do the Media Have? Jaap van Ginneken</li><li>24 (Re)Asserting National Television and National Identity Against the Global, Regional, and Local Levels of World Television: Joseph Straubhaar</li></ul><li>Chapter XII: Cultural Imperialism and Beyond (II)</li><ul><li>25 Media Imperialism?: Jeremy Tunstall</li><li>26 Cultural Globalization and Cultural Imperialism: John Tomlinson</li></ul><li>Chapter XIII: New World Information and Communication Order (I)</li><ul><li>27 Communication Tomorrow the International Commission for the Study ofCommunication Problems: Sean MacBride</li><li>28 Where is the New World Order? At the End of History or a Clash of Civilizations?: Majid Tehranian</li></ul><li>Chapter XIV: New World Information and Communication Order (II)</li><ul><li>29 The Western World and the NWICO: United They Stand?: Colleen Roach</li><li>30 The Future of the Debate: Setting an Agenda for a New World Information and Communication Order, Ten Proposals: Richard C. Vincent</li></ul><li>Chapter XV: Ethical Considerations</li><ul><li>31 Intercultural Personhood: An integration of Eastern and Western Perspectives: Kim Young Yun</li><li>32 Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity: UNESCO</li><li>Bibliography</li><li>中文参考书目</li><li>跨文化大众传播参考文献(期刊类):</li><li>跨文化大众传播参考文献(图书类、文集类及论文类):</li><li>Useful Websites</li><li>Backcover</li></ul></ul>
dc.subjectAngewandte Sprachwissenschaft
dc.subjectDeutsche Sprache
dc.subjectInterethnische Beziehungen
dc.titleIntercultural mass communication
dc.title.alternativeApproaches to key texts in cultrural theory
dc.title.alternativeSeries interKULTUR, European-Chinese Intercultural Studies - Volume II
dc.description.printHardcover, 17x24
dc.description.abstractengMass Communication and Media play an integral part in modern societies. This publication reflects on fundamental theoretical works and recent key texts from different backgrounds such as political analysis, feminism, media studies or Cultural Theory. It is designed as a workbook in European-Chinese intercultural studies. Therefore thorough descriptions of the texts in Chinese language are backed up by additional information and questions to ponder in order to deepen the understanding. This book is part of the series "interKULTUR European-Chinese Intercultural Studies" which consists of teaching material for intercultural studies in higher education and research results of such studies.

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