Publishing: Authors' Toolset
For publication, Göttingen University Press needs a publication ready PDF document. We offer templates for word processing applications and templates for publishing with (La-)TeX. Using our templates, the author can prepare print ready files which reduces publishing costs by a significant amount. Please note that our templates are currently only available with German sample texts. You can use the contact facility on our web site in order to get help.
Below you can find manuals for formatting and stylesheets for various formats. For formatting of pages (esp. headlines, paragraphs, etc.) please take a look at the stylesheets.
Our books are usually of the size 17x24cm. If your document consits of less than 80 21x29,8cm pages, please use the format 14.8x21cm. Please contact use beforehand if you prefer a different format. Formatting for the electronic version is alike.
If you have prepared your document with LaTeX, please use the setting "book". Please note: Quotes and hyphens will only be displayed correctly when supplementary modules are installed.
Instructions for authors
Instructions stylesheet
Description of how the available stylesheets should be used.
Stylesheet 17x24cm, Standard
This is our standard stylesheet. Please use this stylesheet if you plan to submit your work in size 17x24cm
Stylesheet 17x24cm: article in collective volume
This is our standard stylesheet for an article in a collective volume. Please use this stylesheet if the work is a collection of articles of different authors, which is to be published in size 17x24cm. Please contact us before bringing together the separate articles.
Stylesheet 17x24cm, scaled
Please use this stylesheet only in consultation with us.
Stylesheet 14,8x21cm
Please use this stylesheet for documents in size 14,8x21cm.
Stylesheet LaTeX
Please use this stylesheet für collective volumes (e.g. Proceedings) which are going to be published in size 17x24cm.